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Friday 24 October 2014

Undetermined Love

Undetermined Love
“Sometimes the first met wasn’t named as “love at the first sight” but in that time you would know how to feel the sense of that meeting. So love is a treasure.” – Putri Meilinda
Thursday, in school park area.

I pierced to that window, at that time exam have been done. There’s no announcement for holiday just because we was as the 9th grade so we did the exam firstly. I was boring, I didn’t know why. I felt that the clock walking very slowly. My classmates still only talking and enjoy their weird topic. They forgot that their friend I in here was nauseating to hear it’s topic, yes of course exactly me. I got from this small chair, then walking outside and I saw my teacher Miss. DH was busy to set the little newcomers plants. I thought it’s not really matter to help her then I asked my mates to accompany me to help miss. DH. Firstly, she didn’t want to do that indeed she’s very uncommunicative person. I stepped towards the and accosted her. “Morning Ma’am, I saw there’s so many newcomers plants, right?”. “Yes, because our school wanted to follow some cleanness’s competition. You gonna help me, weren’t it? Look! Your juniors were busy to put the pot and fill it with some flowers.” Said Miss. DH. Directly, I took one plant and with hurried put it into polibag and fill it with topsoil. Next, we took it into some position that have deserved. we already knew that our school was one of favorite and mild school so there was so many students that have high skills, ability and intellectualism in this school. I turned back from that position into Miss. DH. A glance, in here the condition was just as same as class, my brain thought. I saw some boys brought some big flower pot to move and fill it with new plant. Deliberated, I looked some girls screamed and amazed with the porter pot. “Ewh, it’s really damned” my heart spoke. Ah girls, they were so easy to be melted with the guy enchantment. My sarcasm’s thought have stopped. I saw a guy who I never met before. Was he a new student? Or he never went out of the class?. He walked forwards miss. DH and asked some question. I didn’t really hear what they were talking about. Truly, he was really handsome with his own style. My eyes followed his step and disappear when he got the last class. “Shinta! Hey. Let’s wash this hand, I felt so dirty” my concentration directly broke up when ulfa called me with her loud sound. “Wait a minute, did you see the guy?” I asked. “the guy? Who? There’s so many boys here shinta. Don’t be silly”. “That boy! He brought the biggest pot” I pointed at him. “Oh I see. Why? You like him? Haha” ulfa laughed at me. “No, I just amazed and…” ulfa cut my words then she mocked. “Don’t be a liar Shinta, I know what you feel” ulfa continued her word. “let’s wash our hand!” I screamed.
After that incident this noon, I thought of who was his name, his class, and why I so stupid about 3 years I never seen him and of course when I searched about him the result was nothing. Because that day was the last day to school before going to National Exam. Then after national exam there would be long holiday. The conclusion was I really regret. He was nothing for me but why I so busy to searched about him. Only with the five minutes moment I must stucked and changed become a detective to analyze every single life about him.
After some months, I could forget that incident. I could live with my ordinary life without the big question mark in my brain. As a blackberry’s user, internet, social media and bbm became my food. So, every second I always checked my handphone. One day I saw that my bbm contact was so minim then I asked my friend to promote my pin. At I thought that is just a joke to add contact. One by one I saw the name, then I found some name with a strange symbol. It was really weird and I didn’t want to accept it as my contact.
Someone with display Dicho Dickita Handoko tried to chat with me. Then I reply his massage with “yaaa”. He asked about my school, home and so do I. I was very surprised when he said that he was one of student in my junior high school. But we didn’t know each other. Next, he always chat me and talking about some topics that made me interest with him. He was really a humorist with his funny story. He cared to me like I’m her girlfriend eventhough we’re just in a “friendzone”.
The day went on, we were still in this simple condition. I know that I really like him, moreover without any real meeting I can put my heart into the person who far away. I was afraid, my relationship which failed in the past ghosted me. Then suddenly he ping!!! me again and asked who was my boyfriend. “I never have a relationship since 1 year ago” I replayed. He was very surprised and said “Hmm, I don’t know why every time I chatting with you I feel so comfort, you’re just like my mother. Truly, I love you even though we never meet before. Will you like to be my girlfriend?” I didn’t know how to replay this message. I nervous. I didn’t like his way to shoot me from bbm, so asked him to meet me gently.
“I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved”- George Eliot
Two days later, we make an engagement to meet in our junior high school. At 2.00 p.m we must arrived. My school’s bell rang at 13.45 and I knew that there’s no time to go home and changed my clothes so I went there with my school uniform. But at that time, the street to go to that school was so crowded and there’s a traffic jam. I guessed that he would be angry with me because I came late. After I arrived there, the weather is rainy and every student have already went home. I didn’t see him. I sent him a text and there’s no replay. After five minutes my phone rang and there’s a message from him. “sorry I can’t wait for you. You’re late and the weather is so cold so I decide to go home”. I regret with myself. Why I must be so silly to wait for him?. My uniform have already wet and dirty. My eyes couldn’t stop the tears that came out from my eyes. Suddenly in my sadness, there’s a boy who stood In front me and gave a handkerchief to me. I don’t know who his name then he looked at me deeply. “Are you Shinta Sylvana?” he asked me with a beautiful smile. “Yes, I am. Who are you?”. “I am the guy who texts you everyday, give you some joke in the midnight and shot you last night.” He answered. I looked at his uniform and name tag. Yes he was my boy, Dicho. Then he continued, “hey, Do you want to be my girlfriend, the girl who looked at me when we’re in the park, setting the newcomers plant, and hate the girls who screamed at boys?” I was very surprised and couldn’t say anything. He was the pretty guy. I didn’t replay his words. I shaked my head which it was the code that I received it as my boyfriend. He hold my hand and then said, “Don’t cry anymore. We’ll happy ever after just like our newcomers plant”.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


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Saturday 12 January 2013

Jongging at Taman Dayu

Jogging @Taman Dayu

Hollaaa:D ketemu lagi di posting activities kali ini. Sebenarnya saya agak bingung menaruh postingan ini ke label yang mana, antara health dan activities karena memang ini adalah aktivitas saya yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan. Dan saya rasa lebih cocok ke activities karena pembahasannya lebih dominan ke kegiatan yang saya lakukan ketimbang manfaat kesehatannya untuk umum. Okay supaya nggak jadi OOT, saya langsung ke topic utamanya saja.

Kami menyebutnya dengan jogging, meski terkadang yang kami lakukan hanya jalan dan duduk bahkan jika terlalu payah kami seringkali mengendarai motor. Hehe. Namun jangan remehkan kami untuk kegiatan yang satu ini, karena meski tubuh kami mayoritas belum ada yang mendekati proporsional jalan pagi atau jogging kami lakukan hampir satu minggu sekali. Kenapa saya katakan hampir, karena untuk mencapai setiap satu minggu sekali itu kami terkadang kesulitan karena kondisi fisik yang capek dengan aktivitas lainnya, hohoho, S3 (Siswa Siswi Sibuk). Inilah bentuk pengabdian kami terhadap organisasi kami, OSIS. Oops, sebelum OOT yuk mari kita banting setir. Hehe. Pemeran kali ini tak lain tak bukan adalah saya, Icha, Virna, Dori, dan Yudi. Pertengahan 2012 kami sudah jarang hangout bersama Vicky (atau mungkin Vicky yang jarang hangout bersama kami-_-) jadi episode kali ini minus Vicky. Semenjak tergabung dalam OSIS, Virna jadi bagian dari petualangan kami, meski tidak terlalu intens karena kami memang berbeda kelas dan pola pikir tentunya. Tuh kan, jadi OOT.

Jogging ini selain dalam program penurunan badan Icha, juga sebagai ajang merefresh fikiran. Ingatkah tentang kalimat “apalah kami ini”, yups, apalah kami ini, dimanapun selalu saja menyelipkan guyonan dan kegembiraan. Yang penting kan gerak, meski yang paling banyak adalah gerak perut dan mulut. Hehe. Kami biasa berangkat mengendarai motor, karena sebagian besar personil cewek adalah yang paling molor dan bau bantal, jadi kita biasa berboncengan. Setibanya di sana kami memarkir motor dan meneruskan perjalanan ke atas dengan berjalan kaki. Personil perempuan dari kami cenderung moody, kadang semangat dan kadang tidak sama sekali. Saya termasuk yang cukup bersemangat di awal-awal, apalagi kalau cuaca sedang tidak terlalu panas dan saya tidak dalam keadaan payah. Tapi tetap saja, 1/3 perjalanan saya harus mengurangi kecepatan atau bahkan berhenti sejenak hingga kondisi fisik dan semangat saya pulih kembali. Jogging terlama kami lakukan selama 3 jam (pure joggingnya hanya 30%,hehe) itu sudah termasuk ngopi (istilah untuk istirahat di warung) dan ngoceh. Over all mungkin kami akan senantiasa melakukan kegiatan tersebut hingg kami tak mempunyai waktu lagi untuk melakukannya. 

The Most of My Editing

 The Most of My Editing

Monday 7 January 2013

Goes to The Pines (jadi & tidak jadi:0)

Goes to The Pines (jadi & tidak jadi:0)
Tahukah anda tempat yang bernama The Pines? Dari namanya mungkin sudah terbayang bahwa itu adalah sebuah tempat hasil karya alam dan sedikit kontribusi manusia di mana terdapat banyak sekali pohon pinus. Tempat yang terletak di kawasan Dayu-Pandaan-Pasuruan ini merupakan tempat wisata alam yang menawarkan kerindangan hutan pinus beserta rumah pohonnya dan beraneka permainan outbond. Cocok sebagai tempat mengadakan kompetisi team work ataupun sekedar bersantai bersama teman dan keluarga karena di sana juga terdapat kedai makanan dan minuman. Lebih asyik lagi jika membawa peralatan piknik sendiri yang penting tetap menjaga kelestarian hutan. Ooopss. Selalu begini yah, OOT. Maaf, so kembali lagi ke judul awal.
Jadi, ini adalah cerita mengenai perjalanan saya bersama teman-teman saya, Icha, Vicky, Dori, dan Yudi. Mengapa saya mencantumkan dalam kurung “jadi & tidak jadi” karena memang perjalanan kami ke The Pines ini terjadi dalam dua session. Session pertama terjadi sekitar akhir desember 2012, saat itu sedang libur akhir tahun dan kebetulan tempat saya PSG juga sudah libur jadi saya mengiyakan ajakan teman-teman untuk melihat keindahan panorama hutan Pines. Untuk mencapai ke the pines melalui tempat kami berangkat butuh waktu sekitar seperempat jam perjalanan dan ketika kami sudah menjalani ¾ dari perjalanan kami, hujan deras disertai angin kencang turun dengan gembira. Dan inilah session “tidak jadi pergi ke Pines”. Kami pun memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan perjalanan dan memilih (terpaksa) berlindung di sebuah pos yang terletak di dalam kawasan taman dayu.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Selamat Ulang Tahun Bu Gita:)

Selamat Ulang Tahun Bu Gita:)

Ini dia pertama kali saya menerima pesanan kue ulang tahun. Ceritanya adalah berawal dari kebiasaan saya membawa kue hasil karya saya ke tempat PSG. Kebetulan saya di lembaga pemerintahan dan sebagian besar yang berada di ruangan tempat saya belajar adalah perempuan dan saya bisa leluasa berbagi hasil karya saya. Salah seorang pegawainya, sebut saja namanya mbak Mala cukup dekat dengan saya dan mengatakan bahwa kue buatan saya cukup enak. Hehe. Dalam hati senang sekali karena saya memang pecinta baked. Beberapa bulan setelah masa PSG saya usai, mbak Mala menelepon dan ingin memesan kue ulang tahun untuk bu Gita. Nampaknya mbak Mala ini merupakan pelanggan setia saya (atau saya memang tidak mempunyai banyak pelanggan, hehe).

Pensi Dalam Rangka Penutupan Class Meeting Akhir Semester I 2012 di Smk Tekstil Pandaan

Pensi Dalam Rangka Penutupan Class Meeting Akhir Semester I 2012 di Smk Tekstil Pandaan

Sabtu 22 desember 2012 bertpatan dengan hari ibu seluruh keluarga besar Smk Tekstil Pandaan mengikuti kegiatan Pensi yang dibuka dengan acara jalan santai. Rutenya tidak terlalu jauh, mungkin hanya sekitar satu kilometer. Beberapa siswi juga ada yang harus stay di sekolah untuk mempersiapkan bazar mereka yang diikuti oleh kelas 11 dan 12 Smea. Terdapat sembilan bazar yang telah siap untuk dinilai dengan beraneka ragam makanan, minuman, hingga aksesoris. Harga yang ditawarkan berkisar dari Rp. 2000 hingga Rp. 7000 disesuaikan dengan kantong pelajar tentunya. Semua item murah meriah ini langsung diserbu oleh peserta jalan santai yang lelah seusai berjalan jauh. Tak lupa para juri juga menyempatkan melakukan penilaian sebelum stand-stand basar itu kosong. Hehe.

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